With the increase in the
development of the country, the demand for the coral has also increased and the
coral blocks needed for the construction of the buildings has been extracted
from shallow reef flats, which cause a lot of damage to the beautiful coral reefs of Maldives.
So how is the
coral needed for the buildings mined?
Well the process of coral mining is actually a lot of hard work as it
involves a lot of manual and intensive labor. Firstly, they travel the needed distance in order to reach a suitable reef, in a small wooden boat. When
reaching the reefs they starts mining from the inner edge ring reefs and the
corals are dug up and broken by using iron bars. Some corals are however small
enough to be managed by without breaking and then these corals are lifted by
hand on to the boat. Then these corals are taken to the islands where they are
left out I the sun where they are dried.

Coral reefs are home to fish and
many more sea creatures and when these corals are taken from the ocean, these
creatures lose their home and hence the lives of a lot of creatures will be
One of the major problems faced
by coral mining is the sediment pollution which causes a stoppage in the growth
of the reef and its diversity. Sediment pollution occur when the sediments of
the reef become dark and sticky with a lot of run off and pollution and these
sediments then stick to the reef organisms smothering them to death. In
addition to this, they clouds up the water column which prevents light from
reaching down to the reef organisms and since coral is half plant, it needs
light for photosynthesis, hence affecting the feeding process of the corals and
destroying the reef. Therefore we need to stop the mining of these coral reefs
and start protecting them instead.
This journal article here will explain more impacts on the coral reefs of Maldives due to coral mining.
This journal article here will explain more impacts on the coral reefs of Maldives due to coral mining.

These beautiful coral reefs are one of the most valuable
tourism industry assets, on which our economy rests on and these reefs are also
the barrier which protects our islands from the huge waves of the ocean.
Therefore, as citizens of this country, it is our duty and responsibility to
save these coral reef ecosystems.
This video here shows how the Great Barrier Reef of Australia is even threatened by coral mining.